If you’re familiar with the epic saga of The Lord of the Rings, then you will understand the purpose and will of Sauron. Sauron is the evil protagonist in The Lord of the Rings. He is the Bad Guy whom everyone decides to take down by any means necessary. The white men, a wizard, the elves, and the dwarves have a reckoning. Sauron has lost the “precious” One Ring and is itching to get it back. He needs the ring to take over the entire Middle-Earth. Frodo has the Ring, but the power of the ring is too much for him to handle. They have to destroy the Ring before Sauron gets his hands on it again and rule the entire Middle-Earth. So, everyone comes together to hash out their differences. They get suited and booted to protect Frodo and his Hobbit bosom-buddies and strive to destroy the Ring and therefore save the Middle Earth. White men grab their swords, elves grab their bows and arrows, dwarves take their hammer axes and everyone gets on their horses to ride out to Mordor and pull up. Throughout the journey, a wizard floats in and out, stands are made, lines are crossed, friendships are forged and destroyed, love is requited, and many lives are lost.
Everyone was pretty much cool with Sauron when he was in his own part of the world. He ruled his minions and left the white men, elves, dwarves, and hobbits alone for the most part. However, he was secretly creating his army and winning battles here and there. He wanted to control everyone and everything. Like the LOTR, everyone initially liked our version of Sauron today. Many still do. He has made and still makes good tv. News outlets love him because he increases sales, clicks, and advertising revenue. Rap artists love him because he has money, multiple baby mamas, and he’s the ultimate rule-breaker. Celebrities wanted to be his apprentice. So what if he is a little racist and classist? Big deal if he grabs women by their vagina. He’s no different than all the other men in power such as movie directors, singers, and bosses in offices everywhere. Racism, classism, misogynist plus a sprinkle of a few broken laws can be overlooked as long as the country is getting a face-lift to be re-made great.
Sauron is coming for anyone who is not white and anyone who is not rich. Basically, anyone who is not a rich white racist conservative. He is coming for Black people unless you either kneel and kiss the ring, or purchase immunity. He’s coming for anyone who is poor regardless of race. Anyone who is gay, bisexual, trans-sexual, or living an alternate lifestyle. He’s coming for the disabled. He’s using his eye to see who is trying to hide. He’s using his minions to rat you out so you can be destroyed. Sauron believes anyone who is not with him, is against him. If you are white and portray yourself to be a friend of those he considers to be parasites in this country, well then, you can get it too like Heather Heyer, Andrew Goodman, Michael Schwerner, and the FBI agents who prosecuted his loyalists.
This Sauron will not stop until he takes over the world and re-names it The United Earth of America or The United Corporations of America under the dominion of him and his corporate allies. Book bans and the end of teaching Critical Race Theory was just the beginning. Corporations such as Target, Walmart, McDonald’s and Google have already bent the knee. Governors and mayors like Eric Adams have already kissed the ring. Pucker up or kiss federal funds good-bye. Rap artists like Snoop and many Lil’s and Baby’s and Nelly have already cooned out in his presence. White women, regardless of how feminist they claim to be, will always stand by their man. Even Hillary is still married to Bill. And as long as they shut up, spread those legs, pop out those blond hair, blue eyed children, refrain from fucking niggers, and not complain too loudly, then they will continue to be protected. Everyone else will be either fired, prosecuted or forced to atone to the sin of not being white enough or rich enough.
The message is clear: Swear fealty, become a slave to their corporations and live by their rules and in your place. Or die. You can try to run. Maybe relocate to Canada. Or Bali. Or Asia, Africa, or Australia. However, the United States is global. Its power is unforgiving and relentless and it is fueled by the riches generated by the enslaved at the beginning of its creation and the working slave of today. America is not the land of the free and the brave. Too many are weak and are barely existing. Our homeless population doesn’t lie. Nor does the population of people who are addicted to some form of drug or alcohol. Or, the number of people suffering with mental health disorders. Anything to dull the pain and trauma and pacify the rest. When all else fails, distract with celebrity news.
It’s hard to swim against the tide. The water is frigid, your legs may feel like lead, your arms are heavy and your fingers are frozen. But we must swim against the tide hard and fast.
The eyes and hands of Sauron are everywhere. Either there will be a Council of Elrond and a plan of attack, or we will all become servants and minions doing forced labor work that cannot be done by Artifical Intelligence for unliveable wages and without benefits.