If you’re familiar with the epic saga of The Lord of the Rings, then you will understand the purpose and will of Sauron. Sauron is the evil protagonist in The Lord of the Rings. He is the Bad Guy whom everyone decides to take down by any means necessary. The white men, a wizard, the…
Blurbs about who we are and how we get along with others.
5 Black Health and Wellness Podcasts
Forget Joe Rogan. There is too little black representation in big podcast networks. I say this again because even while looking at the podcasts pages on streaming sites, those sites usually recommend top and/or similar podcasts that are hosted by white men and women. Listen to these black hosted podcasts speaking truth and realness in…
Relationships in the Time of Coronavirus
The Coronavirus or COVID-19 has tested many relationships this year. Without much notice, the country shut down with orders to stay at home. Restaurants and schools closed. Transportation and travel stopped. Nearly everything and every place with the exception of grocery stores, food manufacturing, and gas stations shut down. Every public place we unknowingly sought…
The Significance of Grandmothers
A traditional grandmother is the moral center of every family. They are the glue of tradition and keep families from completely falling apart. A grandmother can be an elder mother figure of no blood relation where all other factors exist of a grandmother/grandchild relationship. Grandmothers and great-grandmothers can be the most important person to the…
Paying It Forward
There are so many negative influences and images we see on a daily basis. Shock news and images tend to attract more views and sell more advertising. Society today is inundated with news and images of basically snuff videos of murders, killings, fighting and shootings to incite negative emotions and actions. Newspapers and networks are…